You are the medicine; life is the ceremony.

You deserve to feel the fullness of your being.

Life has a way of disconnecting us from ourselves, and then we learn to perpetuate that cycle through people-pleasing, taking on the expectations of others, and distracting ourselves from the inner suffering that grows day after day.

We forget that we are whole. We forget that we are perfect. We forget who we are.

Are you ready to remember?

Ladybug’s services listed below are offered from a somatic approach, encouraging and facilitating your connection to the innate wisdom and healing capacity of your body. Through a somatic lens, Ladybug often weaves in Inner Child healing and/or Parts Work (Internal Family Systems and/or Voice Dialogue).

Ladybug’s approach is also largely informed by her work with entheogenic medicines, and weaves in non-dual wisdoms, grounded in humility, non-judgement, and unconditional acceptance and love of all parts and their expressions.

Supportive Services for Your Journey

  • “I didn’t know how my day today was going to go, though I am sure I couldn’t have hoped for a more supported, connected reintroduction to consciousness than the gift you gave me this morning.”
    ~Ceremony Participant

  • “When I was feeling lost on my own personal journey, Ladybug opened my eyes to what has become a spiritual 'adventure.' The direction she has given me has helped me to deepen my love for myself and the world around me. And I know if ever I feel that I have lost my way, she has always been there to gently guide me in the right direction.”
    ~Emily, Inner Healing Client

  • “Thank you so much! I truly appreciate all of your support. You really helped me come out of the darkness, and now I know that I won’t be alone moving through it in the future.”
    ~Brittney, Inner Healing & Microdosing Support

  • “Thank you, LB. You’re really truly wonderful and I am forever grateful for the life changing support and healing you have fostered.
    ~Danny, Inner Healing Client