The Self-Healer’s Way

Becoming Your Own Medicine

Hey there, Bright Soul!


I am SO STOKED you’ve found your way to this page!

Because if you’re here right now, reading these words at this EXACT moment in time . . .

That’s a strong indication that you’re ready to take radical responsibility for your life and own your role as the Ultimate Healer of your thoughts, emotions, behaviors and, most importantly, your relationship with that beautiful being called Self.

You’re ready to unleash and embody your full power and potential, owning ALL of your shit like the fully expressed, wholly capable AMAZING HUMAN you know you are at the core of your being!

As the great mystic poet Rumi once said (and he definitely said it best!):

“Everything in the universe is within you.
Ask all from yourself.”

And as Rumi’s words ring just as true today as they did more than eight centuries ago . . .

You know deep down in your soul that you already have everything within you that you need to heal yourself from all of Life’s afflictions and traumas, despite all the searching and learning and implementing of other’s wisdom and medicines.

You know that You, and You alone, are the only “missing ingredient” in your own unique, medicinal brew.

And yet, if you’re anything like me, you’ve probably still tried just about everything you could get your hands on to help you rise to the challenge and achieve your self-healing goals.

But so far, nothing you’ve tried has really been able to help you long-term.

Maybe you’re still waiting for that single, big “AH HA!” moment, where all the tools, techniques, practices and healing modalities you’ve collected along your way finally “click” into place and align in perfect harmony all at once, helping you create that lasting change you’ve so deeply been craving for so long.

Perhaps you’ve even given up at times, feeling frustrated by the seeming “lack” of progress you’ve made, or simply overwhelmed with the amount of work before you, not knowing just where the heck to begin or which tools to use for what ailments.

Still, you’re not ready to throw in the towel. You’re not ready to give up on yourself completely, no matter how tough or treacherous the path has felt at times.

Because on the most fundamental level . . .


And while you know that everything you need is already within you . . .

You also recognize that sometimes others hold the keys to accessing some of that information. You can see that the Self-Healer’s Way is so much easier to navigate when you’ve got a dedicated caravan with a tried and true map to your most-desired destination.

So, please, by all means, keep reading if this sounds like you, and you’re ready to FINALLY experience:

  • Relief from all the weight of everything you’ve been carrying. Relief from everything that just seems to keep piling up on you and making you feel stuck, all the memories and traumas and stagnant experiences/energies that can make us feel bogged down and too heavy to carry on;

  • Freedom to feel comfortable in your own skin, knowing you are living as the most authentic, fully-expressed version of You, perhaps even madly, wildly in love with your own Sacred Self and, by extension, every creature and all other expressions of the Divine in the world around you;

  • And Inner Peace! That elusive place we all strive for, yet often seems as unreachable as the horizon, especially when we’re first starting out on our self-healing journey to lasting, lifelong inner and outer sovereignty.

“Ladybug provided the safe space I needed to emerge stronger out of one of the most challenging times in my life. I felt empowered to be vulnerable and open in order to do the necessary work for myself, while feeling fully supported, heard, and respected. Ladybug's knowledge, attentiveness, and sensitivity provided vital guidance to rediscover, regain, and reposition myself on the path to intentional and sustained self-actualization. My life has improved in many ways since, and I am incredibly grateful for this!”

— Melody D., Inner Healing Client

By now, you’re probably wondering just who I am and why I’ve taken the time to tell you all these things you already know.

Without further ado, allow me to introduce myself, friend!


My name is Ladybug Larsen (yes, that IS my legal name!), and I’m the founder of Haux (pronounced Howsh) Gatherings, based in San Diego, California.

I hold advanced degrees in Human Development, LGBTQ Studies, and Counseling, and I have more than 20 years of experience holding space for individuals and groups to facilitate their healing and growth.

In 2019, I created Haux Gatherings with the intention to gather together those who are active participants in their own healing and provide sacred spaces to celebrate and deepen that growth.

Yet, to be perfectly blunt, I didn’t always have my own shit together.

I spent the first 34 years of my life collecting harmful and traumatic experiences, while simultaneously looking for a way out.

And let me tell you, I found a lot of paths that were not the way out.

Toward the end of those 34 years, I was deep in addiction—to drugs, alcohol, and relationships. I had lost custody of my 12-year-old son, my friendships were all falling away, and I was on the brink of losing my job and my house.

I WAS READY, to say the least!

Maybe (hopefully) your life hasn’t reached this critical outward juncture. But your inner state is right where mine was:


However, when I finally became ready to do something, I was overwhelmed with how much work was in front of me. There were so many areas of my external world that were struggling. There was so much inner turmoil swirling within me.

I felt overwhelmed with it all and didn’t know where to start. But I was ready! I was willing!

Perhaps you can relate . . .

I took the “fisherman’s net” approach and signed up for all the help I could get.

  • Self-help books

  • Talk Therapy

  • Psychedelic Therapy

  • Holistic healing webinars

  • YouTube talks and Podcasts

And while all that helped (I did learn quite a bit), I was still floundering around in my pain and suffering. I had all these tools, but no direction for when or how to use them. I just kept practicing trial and error over and over again, spinning my wheels.

It was exhausting! (Can you feel it?)

 In order to continue moving steadily on this path of personal growth and healing, I needed a clear framework for my personal growth work. A way to organize my knowledge and tools so that at any given moment, I could look at my life and say,

“Ah, this is what I need to do here.” And then do it.

Having a framework would provide direction when I got lost on my Inner Healing path.

And so I took inventory of everything I had learned and created The Self-Healer’s Way.

The framework I’ve outlined in The Self-Healer’s Way is how I now move through this lifelong journey of personal growth and healing with grace.

It’s the framework I’ve been using since 2018, and it continues to propel me leaps and bounds on my own Inner Healing journey.

The Self-Healer’s Way is now

enrolling for the

Summer 2021 cohort.

“I am fortunate to be one of the few people who has known Ladybug since before she found her light and her way in this world. As someone who witnessed her transformation up-close and personal, I can say that she is the open-hearted, courageous, and extraordinarily beautiful human she is today because of all the dedication and hard work she put into herself and her healing. I know first-hand how challenging this path has been for her at times, and she just never quits! Her belief in the power of community and vulnerability continually push her forward. It is such a joy to see her share her story, her knowledge, and her love with those who need it most. She is changing lives and I love it!”

— Janene R., Long-Term Friend

In this 8-week group coaching program, I will support you and a small group of like-minded fellow humans as you learn the skills and resources you need to move through your current blocks and stay on a trajectory of steady healing and growth, no matter what circumstance you find yourself in.

If You’re Ready To:


Drop the Blame Game

and own your own healing in its entirety;

Do what’s necessary

to address the pain you’re feeling inside, consistently and diligently;

Shed unhelpful stories

that have been holding you back from living the life you know you deserve;

Feel more consistently in-touch

with your physical and emotional bodies and be able to recognize when stress or frustration begin to creep in before they become overwhelming or even debilitating;

Be better equipped

to exercise choice in how you respond in challenging situations;

Finally break through

any blockages that have kept you from applying lessons you’ve already learned to your daily life;

Deeply understand

the Self-Worth Trap and be able to pull yourself out of it before you spiral into the abyss;

And become part of

an intimate cohort of fellow Self-Healers you can journey with for the rest of your life...

Then you’re officially invited to Book Your Free Self-Healer’s Way Strategy Session Now!


 When you schedule your call, we’ll discuss where you currently are on your journey and how I can best support you—whether that’s through The Self-Healer’s Way program, or a referral elsewhere.

I never send folks away without more tools or resources.

That’s my commitment to you and this community.

“When I was feeling lost on my own personal journey, Ladybug opened my eyes to what has become a spiritual 'adventure.' The direction she has given me has helped me to deepen my love for myself and the world around me. And I know if ever I feel that I have lost my way, she will always be there to gently guide me in the right direction.”

— Emily M., Inner Healing Client

Let me be clear here, though:

The Self-Healer’s Way is NOT for everyone.

This program is NOT for you if:

  • You’re still blaming everyone around you without also looking at yourself (One of my favorite quotes is: The wound may not be your fault, but the healing is your responsibility.);

  • You’re looking for someone to “fix” you (Darling, you’ve never been “broken”.);

  • You expect to work with me for 8 weeks and become an enlightened being (Growth & healing is a lifelong path, and one I promise you won’t want to step off of once you have the framework for walking it with grace.)

That said, if you’re ready to take radical responsibility for your own healing and do the work necessary to make lasting changes in your life . . .

AND if we decide during your Free Self-Healer’s Way Strategy Session that we’re a good fit to work together . . .

What I CAN promise you, is that when you commit to The Self-Healer’s Way, you will:

  • Feel more grounded and in-touch with your authentic self on a regular basis;

  • Love yourself more and know that you are worthy of the healing you seek;

  • Truly understand that all those “monsters” in your brain are only trying to help you find happiness;

  • Have invited some of those “monsters” to the table (but taught them how to use the silverware);

  • Feel connected to and empowered by a beautiful group of humans doing the same work, who all love and support one another on this path;

  • Be confident in your abilities to continue your self-healing journey at the end of our time together.


The Self-Healer’s Way is an 8-week closed, intimate container that includes weekly live group coaching calls with me and a small group of humans who are committed to their growth and healing.

You will also receive one-on-one follow-up from me between group calls to answer any questions you have as you implement what you learn each week.

Here’s what you’ll learn:


  • Week 1 Getting in touch with your intuition, your inner wisdom, your authentic self

  • Week 2 Letting go of identification with the harmful or limiting stories in your head

  • Week 3 Practices to cultivate patience and compassion toward self, and then toward others

  • Week 4 My favorite tool that weaves together everything from the first three weeks into one simple practice

Growth Framework:

  • Week 5 How to identify your growth point(s) when everything is swirling around you

  • Week 6 Frameworks for healing through those growth points and how to identify which framework is best suited to the situation


  • Week 7 Tools and resources for integrating all the insights and epiphanies you have into your new way of being

  • Week 8 Jump-starting motivation and willingness when you inevitably lose them

I know this is a lot, and every bit of it is stuff you will want to come back to over and over again.

That’s why when you decide to commit to The Self-Healer’s Way you’ll receive:

  • The Self-Healer’s Way Workbook, which includes:

  • All of the information, tools, and activities that we’ll cover in our live group coaching calls;

  • Blank pages for notes (or doodles!);

  • A comprehensive list of my go-to books on topics related to growth and healing in general, as well as specific areas for growth;

  • My personal resource list of supports and services available in San Diego County and the United States

  • Lifetime Access to all of the recorded live group coaching calls, as well as your one-on-one calls (if you choose to have those over Zoom)

  • Lifetime Access to any and all additional modules added to The Self-Healer’s Way after this container ends

  • Discounts on all services and offerings for the rest of forever

If this sounds like something you might be interested in, let’s hop on the phone and chat!

During that call, I’ll get a feel for where you are on your personal growth journey and what you feel you’re needing to move forward. I’ll share some more details about The Self-Healer’s Way and answer any questions you have about the program or my journey.

If either of us decides that this program is not a good fit, I can guarantee you’ll still walk away with some tangible tools to continue on your path.

It’s not my jam to leave people stuck in their pain without offering help.

“I have found working with Ladybug to be a catalyst and foundation for my journey of personal and spiritual growth. In our meetings she is always fully present, open, listening, and resourceful. She asks me questions that I probably would not have thought of, and that uncover invaluable information. She meets me where I am with total acceptance and love. I always feel heard. When appropriate I get valuable feedback and actionable steps. Whether you're seeking counseling, integration, personal growth, or solutions to problems, I highly recommend Ladybug.”

— Brad M., Inner Healing Client


Are You Ready?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the financial investment for The Self-Healer’s Way?

This 8-week program costs $1,500 at full-price, payable in negotiable installments.

Haux Gatherings also has a robust Scholarship Fund to help subsidize the program for those with limited financial resources, and a portion of every fully-paid seat also goes into the Scholarship Fund to support other Self-Healers.

What is the time investment for The Self-Healer’s Way?

The Self-Healer’s Way is an 8-week program, plus one last follow-up call the 9th week to make sure you’re feeling ready to continue on your healing path.

Each week, we will meet as a group on Zoom for about two hours. You will also be encouraged to schedule a 15-30 minute follow-up call between group calls, so that I can offer additional personalized support as you implement the tools you learn.

That’s the “Matrix” time investment. The energetic time investment cannot be quantified. In order to be successful in this program and along your growth and healing path, you have to be invested every moment of every day—even if that investment is in relaxation and self-care (sometimes the MOST important investment).

What if I can’t make the weekly group coaching calls?

Once the cohort is established, we’ll collectively find a time that works for as many people as possible (ideally everyone). A big part of the program is the community, so it’s important for everyone to be present on the group coaching calls, when possible. If for some reason you are unable to make the agreed upon time, all of the live group calls will be recorded and uploaded for you to watch. You will also still have your weekly 1:1 with me to answer any lingering questions and provide additional support.

Is this like group therapy?

This is NOT group therapy. The Self-Healer’s Way is a coaching program designed to empower participants with the knowledge and tools necessary to continue the work of healing Self. While there will be some opportunity to share and discuss growth points, this container is not meant to be a place to actively process pain points.

If you are wanting to go deep into specific pain points, we can discuss this on our phone call. I do also offer 1:1 support and have a list of referrals if either of us decides we’re not a good fit.

 What’cha waiting for, Beautiful One?